peerplays.peerplays2 module

class peerplays.peerplays2.PeerPlays(urlWalletServer)

Bases: object

This class is http endpoint based implementation of peerplays operations

: param str urlWalletServer: Remote wallet server

from peerplays.peerplays2 import PeerPlays as PeerPlays2
peerplays2 = PeerPlays2(urlWalletServer=urlWalletServer)

where <urlWalletServer> starts with http:// or https://.

The purpose of this class it to simplify interaction with a few of the new PeerPlays features and changes.

The idea is to have a class that allows to do this

WalletCall(method, params=[])

Genric method for making calls to peerplays node through remote wallet. :param str method: Name of the cli_wallet command to call :param str params: Parameters to the command

create_account(account_name, registrar='None', referrer='1.2.0', referrer_percent=50, owner_key=None, active_key=None, memo_key=None)

Create new account. This method is more for back compatibility :param str accountName: New account name :param str ownerKey: Owner key :param str activeKey: Active key :param str registrAccount: Registrar :param str referreAccount: Referrer :param str referrerPercent: Referrer percent

import_key(accountName, wif)

Import keys to the wallet :param str accountName: AccoutName :param strr wif: WIF of the account


Info command


Check if wallet is locked

register_account(accountName, ownerKey, activeKey, registrarAccount, referrerAccount, referrerPercent)

Create new account :param str accountName: New account name :param str ownerKey: Owner key :param str activeKey: Active key :param str registrAccount: Registrar :param str referreAccount: Referrer :param str referrerPercent: Referrer percent


Set remote wallet password param str password: New wallet password


Method to unlock wallet :param str password: Remote wallet password
